Hi, my name is

Peter Otto Kuhberg

I am an experienced product designer with a strong technical background, skilled at quickly turning ideas into market-ready prototypes and products. With a focus on user-centered design, Iโ€™ve helped startups and scale-ups create innovative digital solutions, always prioritizing user satisfaction and agile feedback loops.

Superland an AWDIO app

Superland is the second app I helped design and build toghter with AWDIO. With Superland, children can unleash their imagination and create their own superheros through very few inputs.

The superhero is then injected into Superland and Ember City, a place where superheros and villains roam.

The hero will go on exciting missions that are all created exclusively for the child, connecting to a broader story arc of Superland.

Every story has a carefully designed structure and style that is injected with pedagogical principles and soft skill learning.

After six months in the app store with an average of 4,000 MAUs, we were forced to shut down the company after two years of hard work due to our inability to secure a new round of funding.

I am currently documenting the process and lessons learned from the project to share with others. While I'm still working on it, you can view the work in progress here.

Bear & Co

Role: Concept / UX / prototype design

Bear & Co is a simulation for integrating difficult, ethical thinking in the world of an IoT start-up. Visitors are invited to join a fictitious company, Bear & Co, as new employees. As they start working, they go through dilemmas and rehearse ethical reasoning. The new employees, visitors, can only begin working after they have stated their values in a custom punch card โ€“ indicating what they bring to the company and what they care about.

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The Bear & Coโ€™s installation was staged at Ars Electronica in September 2018 and the prototype was demonstrated at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2019.

The Bear & Coโ€™s installation was staged at Ars Electronica in September 2018 and the prototype was demonstrated at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2019.

Bear & Co. is part of VIRTEU - a bigger, 3 year research project, funded by the E.U. If you're interested you can read more about Bear & Co here.

Awards & recognition

Fast Company Finalist in The best experimental designs of 2019

The Ethical Stack

Role: Concept / UX / Wireframes / Prototype development

Is an interface designed to structure and facilitate considering ethics when building new connected technology. It is a series of tools to support creators of new connected technology to reflect on their products ethical and social impacts.

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First you make an overview of your productโ€™s layered impacts; align with your team about your ethical values and vision.

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Then you use the ethical stack tools to create, connect, consider and re-think the social and ethical impacts of your product.

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Finally you will receive ethical challenges in relation to your product. With ways to understand and address them in a practical way.

The Ethical Stack was created through intensive collaboration across disciplines and industries. Together with our partners in VIRT-EU, we have been researching ethics, ethical tools and processes within technology design and development, conducting co-creation, co-design and finally testing sessions with entrepreneurs, developers and designers in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and London.

You can read more about VIRT-EU and the ethical stack here

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Try out the ethical stack for yourself here

Awards & recognition

Core77 2020 Runner Up in Strategy & Research Award

Core77 2020 Notable in Design for Social Impact Award

Fast Company Honourable mention in World Changing Ideas Awards

Building Better Climate Resilience

Role: Research / UX / UI / Prototype development

Is a project focused on designing a tool to help small and medium businesses in Sri Lanka becoming more climate-resilient, especially around floods. The project is developed In collaboration with UNEP-DTU and the ADPC founded by Nordic Climate Facility.

Is a project focused on designing a tool to help small and medium businesses in Sri Lanka becoming more climate-resilient, especially around floods. The project is developed In collaboration with UNEP-DTU and the ADPC founded by Nordic Climate Facility.

Me and the other designer on the project, spend three weeks in Sri Lanka doing research, interviews, co-creation sessions, and testing different prototypes of the tool, before returning to Denmark and finalizing the tool.

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When the tool was done, it was tested in Sri Lanka, unfortunately, because of Covid-19 we couldnโ€™t go, but we still got enough of a positive response that a second pilot is planned with some of the changes weโ€™ve implemented based on the feedback.

A video about the project and the tool was created with the help of the ADPC.

You can download and try out the pilot version of the app on your favorite platform.


Role: Project management / Design

NW is a network-oriented service for young people having a hard time finding their way to education or labour. Through physical meetings with private companies, young people get a better foundation for choosing relevant internships based on mutual work interests, company culture and social chemistry.

N.W. is deployed in 5 municipalities since 2017 and is used by more than 300 young people every year, with over 250 company partners.

We worked closely with the ROCKWOOL Foundation and contributed with service design, prototyping and development of the digital platform for various users, and is to this day our longest-running project.

You can read more about NExTWORK here

Perspekt 2.0

Role: Project management / Design

Our most recent project that just launched at the end of August, after being piloted for a year. Perspekt is a teaching tool developed by "Dansk Center for undervisningsmiljรธ". It was developed to help kids better understand and work on their emotional, social, and personal skills.

It was our task to turn the printed materials into a digital platform where teachers can access the various resources and track their classes progress.

We spend a lot of time on the information design for the platform because Perspekt has a lot of content, and it needed to be easily accessible to the teachers. Perspekt 2.0 was piloted for a year and went through a couple of iterations before the official launch. It is now available for school teachers in Denmark.

If you want to try out the platform, you can create an account and select Test-skole - 0 as your school.
Go to Perspekt 2.0

Future erasure

Role: UX / Digital & Physical prototypes

Future Erasure is a futurescaping workshop created to immerse and engage museums in a difficult but pressing problem: what is the possible future of heritage in a world where there is no universal canon to distinguish what is worth remembering and preserving from what is not?

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We used speculative design and design fiction methods to create materials for this future, such as newspapers, films and a series of physical prototypes, to immerse our participants in this future scenario.

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The experience centered on three major tasks in order to stimulate debate and push our participants to articulate their values and visions for the futures of their institutions' heritage: creating an algorithm for deletion, prototyping devices for experiencing deleted objects, and envisioning systems for the public to interact with deleted heritage.

Escaping the strange loop

Role: UX / Digital & Physical prototypes

โ€˜Escaping the Strange Loopโ€™, is a participatory interactive game experience that showcases diverse stories about the role of energy - specifically fusion energy - in near and far futures by exploring its unpredictable and complex impacts on real life problems.

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The game is designed for three people at a time. The trios become teams who collaborate, discuss and decide throughout the missions.

After experiencing each mission, they discuss and decide which path they will continue to follow. Their decisions are fed into our system which outputs custom stories according to the teamโ€™s trajectory through time.

The installation-game uses the logic of three foundational scenarios about our energy futures. The scenarios hold storylines from 2010 to 2100 across varying degrees of environmental responsibility, energy technology investments and international cooperation.

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The project is part of a traveling exhibition highlighting the work of EUROfusion - a consortium of national fusion research institutes located in the European Union and Switzerland.

Awards & recognition

Core77 2020 Notable in Design for Social Impact

Core77 2020 Notable in Strategy & Research